
Crestwood, MO

Restorative Dentistry Services Crestwood, MO

Everyone deserves to love their own smile. Cracked and broken teeth can destroy your oral health and your pride in your appearance. Restorative dentistry can alleviate discomfort, heal and cover up broken teeth, and revive the appearance and health of your smile.

At Plaza Dental Center, Dr. Cutrona provides a range of impactful restorative dentistry services to bring your smile back to life. Dr. Cutrona will assess your dental needs which could include procedures such as tooth-colored fillings, root canals, or bridgework during your first appointment.

Find out if you could benefit from restorative dentistry. Call (314) 361-1818 today to schedule a consultation, or contact us today to learn more about our other dentistry services that we provide at Plaza Dental Center.

What is Restorative Dentistry? | Crestwood, MO Restorative Dentistry Solutions

It’s difficult to feel confident and content with your smile when you have cracked, chipped, or missing teeth. However, thanks to restorative dentistry, smile imperfections don’t have to last forever. Our restorative dentistry services in Crestwood, MO, focus on diagnosing, treating, and managing underlying oral health concerns, and restoring the look, feel, and function of your natural smile. Dr. Cutrona could decide to use a variety of restorative dentistry techniques depending on your oral health. Common techniques include crowns, fillings, partial and full dentures, and dental bonding.

Restorative Dentistry Services in Crestwood

Our Crestwood, MO restorative dentistry services are designed with our patients’ unique oral health in mind as well as other factors such as a patient’s budget and past dental history. Some of the restorative dentistry services in Crestwood that Dr. Cutrona might recommend for perfecting your oral health could include:

  • Tooth-Colored Fillings – composite tooth-colored fillings resemble and perform like real teeth
  • Dentures – replace weak or missing teeth, improve your appearance, and enhance your comfort with a variety of denture options
  • Gum Recontouring – Dr. Cutrona will artfully create a natural looking gum line that will help your teeth look proportional
  • Dental Bonding – minor cosmetic issues like small chips can be resolved with a high-quality resin
  • Crowns & Bridges – restore the structure, functionality, and appearance of your natural smile, effectively fixing chips, cracks, and other smile imperfections
  • Root Canals – as painlessly as possible, Dr. Cutrona can treat infected teeth, seal off the problem area, and put you back on the path to optimal oral health
  • Periodontal Treatment – in just one to two in-office visits and focused at-home treatment, you can control and cure any lingering bacterial infections, such as Periodontal disease, and prevent future infections from occurring

Our Restorative Dentistry Services in Crestwood, MO

The Plaza Dental Center team is dedicated to offering easily accesible, comfortable restorative dentistry services in Crestwood, MO. We have a staff of professionals with extensive experience in all Crestwood, MO restorative dentistry services. We provide effective restoration techniques that preserve the health and enhance the appearance of your teeth and gums. Call our office today to book an appointment for the specific Crestwood, MO restorative dentistry services necessary for your oral health conditions. Our focus when performing restoration procedures is proceeding in a way that produces noticeable, lasting results with little discomfort or inconvenience during the process. Get the beautiful, functional, pain-free smile you want by receiving restorative dentistry services in Crestwood, MO right away at Plaza Dental Center.

Other dental services offered by Plaza Dental Center include:

Schedule an Appointment for Restorative Dentistry Services in Crestwood, MO, Today! | Plaza Dental Center

Our number one priority at Plaza Dental Center is making sure that our patients are comfortable and happy before, during, and after every procedure. Dr. Cutrona is professional, yet welcoming, and can answer any questions that you might have about our Crestwood restorative dentistry, or alleviate any concerns that you might have about the treatments we provide.

If you’re ready to learn more about Plaza Dental Center, our restorative dentistry services in Crestwood, or have questions about other dentistry services that we provide, call (314) 361-1818 today, or make an appointment online for your smile makeover consultation.