
Sunset Hills, MO

Tooth Pain Relief Sunset Hills, MO

Tooth pain relief in Sunset Hills, MO. Tooth pain can be the result of a variety of ailments. It can be dull and mostly just a nuisance, or severely painful and debilitating. If you have a mild toothache that just don’t go away, or feel sudden and intense tooth pain, seek medical treatment from a qualified Sunset Hills, MO dentist right away. Even if you think you can manage the pain, tooth pain can point to other dental problems that will worsen if not treated promptly. If you’re in need of tooth pain relief in Sunset Hills, MO, reach out to Plaza Dental Center today at 314-361-1818 or make an appointment online.

Top 9 Conditions That Cause Tooth Pain | Sunset Hills, MO Dental Center

Tooth pain can come from numerous dental problems, from mild to severe. The following are the most common 9 reasons people seek tooth pain relief for in Sunset Hills, MO:

  1. Teeth grinding Clinically referred to as bruxism, some people grind their teeth because of frustration, as a side effect of some medical conditions, alcohol, or during transitions in the sleep cycle. Teeth grinding can strip teeth of their protective layer, or loosen them from the gums, both of which cause tooth pain or tooth sensitivity.
  2. Temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ) TMJ is an umbrella term for a number of dental problems affecting your ability to control your temporomandibular joint, which which acts like a sliding hinge between your jawbone and skull. When the joint isn’t functioning correctly, it can cause a host of symptoms including headaches, swelling on the side of the face, popping, difficulty lowering your jaw, and pain when speaking.
  3. Gum disease Gum diseases such as gingivitis or periodontitis are the result of tartar building up where the gums meet the teeth, which affects the gums. If untreated, the gums start to recede, which eliminates protective layer over your teeth and causes tooth pain. Gum disease is common, but highly preventable with healthy dental hygiene like brushing and flossing and twice-yearly cleanings and polishing.
  4. Oral cancer If you just can’t seem to get away from your tooth pain, the culprit may be oral cancer. It can reveal itself as lumps, ulcers, or red, white, or speckled patches. While it’s usually highly treatable, if you don’t get treatment it could be life threatening.
  5. Cavities — A cavity is destruction of the hard surface covering your teeth that comes about because of tooth decay. When the hard surface is damaged, it reveals the middle of the tooth, which is referred to as pulp. The pulp is made up of highly sensitive nerve endings, which cause tooth pain when exposed.
  6. Impacted wisdom teeth Our ancestors needed wisdom teeth to chew tough food, but since the caveman days humans have developed smaller jaws. That causes wisdom teeth to not grow in, grow in sideways, or affect other teeth as they try to push through Based on research from the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, approximately 90 percent of adults have at least one wisdom tooth that doesn’t grow in right. Wisdom teeth can push other teeth out of position position and allow food and bacteria to fester beneath teeth, causing infection, which causes pain in the teeth and jaw.
  7. Tooth extractions If you had to have a tooth pulled, the teeth around the pulled tooth can hurt for one to several days after the procedure. This will generally go away on its own and can be alleviated with acetaminophen or other easily available medicine.
  8. Nerve damage — A condition called trigeminal neuralgia happens when the 5th cranial nerve is irritated. While most of the pain will be to the face and other areas of the head, it can result in tooth pain when certain daily activities are performed.
  9. Damaged teeth — Infected teeth, broken teeth, and abscessed teeth are also common conditions that lead to tooth pain.

There are other causes of tooth pain that aren’t necessarily dental problems, such as heart disease, you rinse your mouth too often, or you suffered trauma to your mouth. While living a healthier life get rid of tooth pain, an appointment with a dentist is often required to fix the root of the problem.

Tooth Pain Relief Sunset Hills, MO | Dental Office | Family Dental Center | Dentist Near Sunset Hills

When Should I Make an Appointment With a Dentist in Sunset Hills, MO for Tooth Pain Relief?

There are various over-the-counter treatments or things you can do at home that can alleviate toothaches and provide tooth pain relief. However, if tooth pain is a common problem and/or it’s debilitating it’s a good idea to schedule a dental examination to check if there are any serious underlying conditions. If you break a tooth or one becomes loose, see a dentist promptly. If that tooth is not addressed, food and bacteria can hide in and around those teeth and cause issues for your gums, bone, and the nerves in your mouth.

It’s imperative to get dental care right away in Sunset Hills, MO for tooth pain relief if:

  • The tooth pain goes on for more than two days
  • The tooth pain onsets without warning and is severe
  • You have other symptoms, such as a fever, pain elsewhere in your face, or pain when opening your mouth
  • You’ve experienced tooth sensitivity for a while and it’s getting worse
  • You have pain when chewing

Tooth pain should be addressed promptly, as, if you do not seek treatment, the underlying cause can spread to the jaw, skull, or even your bloodstream. Often, the only cure is to seek professional tooth pain relief from an experienced Sunset Hills, MO dentist.

How a Dentist in Sunset Hills, MO Can Offer Tooth Pain Relief

While muscles, ligaments, and elsewhere in your body can heal themselves naturally, our teeth cannot. If there is damage to a tooth, it can only be treated in Sunset Hills, MO by a dentist. Most dental examinations begin with a series of questions. How long have you been experiencing tooth pain? What is your pain level? Is it one tooth or does the pain radiate to other parts of your mouth? Does anything help it or make it worse?

Then, they’ll check inside your mouth to see if anything else is going on. Their treatment and manner of getting tooth pain relief will depend on what the root cause is. Cavities and other decay and be addressed with fillings or sealants. There is a wide array of periodontal treatments available if the pain is the result of gingivitis or periodontitis. They may recommend dental bonds, crowns, or implants if teeth are chipped, cracked, or broken. If the pain is related to nerve damage, your Sunset Hills, MO dentist may perform a root canal for tooth pain relief.

Dental problems can only be determined in Sunset Hills, MO by a professional dentist. If you’ve tried everything else for tooth pain relief and your symptoms aren’t improving, request an appointment with a dentist today.

Tooth Pain Relief Sunset Hills, MO | Family Dentistry | Emergency Dentistry | Dental Office Near Sunset Hills

Sunset Hills, MO Tooth Pain Relief | Plaza Dental Center

It’s important to remember that prevention and care such as proper oral hygiene and regular cleanings and polishings is the best way to avoid tooth pain completely. But if prevention wasn’t effective, or you’re now regretting that you weren’t more active in your dental care, you can still seek treatment. Our Sunset Hills, MO dentists are especially dedicated to helping patients who are uncomfortable about going to the dentist, as we believe lasting tooth pain relief is something everyone in Sunset Hills, MO should have access to. Reach out to Plaza Dental Center now at 314-361-1818 or make an appointment online.