
Kirkwood, MO

Dental Bonding Procedure

For a smile-enhancing dental bonding procedure with long-lasting effects, come to Plaza Dental

Kirkwood, MO Dental Bonding Procedure. Did you recently have an accident that left you with a chipped or cracked tooth? Is one of your natural permanent teeth abnormally shaped? Perhaps you have a cavity or exposed root and you can’t stand the idea of a visually obvious metalic amalgam. A Kirkwood, MO dental bonding procedure is the ideal dental solution for many different dental applications. It is an effective way to improve the appearance of a tooth and shield damaged teeth from further harm. A Kirkwood, MO dental bonding procedure is the affordable, simple, non-invasive dental treatment for you.

Trust Plaza Dental Center to give you a quality Kirkwood, MO dental bonding procedure. A dental clinic centered around the values of patient education, convenience, and comfort, the Plaza Dental Center team will perform a dental bonding procedure with results that you’ll love – through a process that is quick, simple, and free of discomfort. Trust Plaza Dental Center for all of your family’s dental needs.

dental bonding procedure | St. Louis area dental bonding treatment

Discover the aesthetic and practical benefits of a Kirkwood, MO dental bonding procedure. Don’t go another day with a smile you don’t love or a painful damaged tooth. To have your dental bonding procedure questions answered and schedule your appointment, reach out to us today. Get one step closer to your simple dental bonding procedure by contacting us or calling us at 314-361-1818.

Who Should Receive A Dental Bonding Procedure

A dental bonding procedure is a valuable option for both cosmetic and functional dental concerns. The procedure is quick, painless, and reasonably priced and ideal for cosmetic concerns and oral health concerns involving mild damage.

Make sure to speak with your dentist about different treatment options that would be most appropriate for your given situation. Whether you have experienced a tooth injury like chipping or cracking, have a natural abnormality that affects your appearance, or a cavity or exposed root that requires protection, a dental bonding procedure may be the answer for you.

A dental bonding procedure is often used to treat Kirkwood, MO patients with:

  • Chipped tooth or teeth
  • Cracked tooth or teeth
  • Misshapen teeth
  • Unnaturally small teeth
  • A gap between teeth
  • Cavities or exposed , as an alternative to silver or other obviously visible amalgam fillings
  • A discolored tooth

Benefits of Dental Bonding Procedures

A dental bonding procedure is a great dental treatment for patients with a variety of dental problems. It is risk-free and the procedure is a breeze – the procedure is painless and involves very little, if any, discomfort. With a normal level of dental hygiene maintenance, the result of dental bonding procedure has the potential to last many years. You can enjoy a process that is quick and affordable, leaving you with an enhanced smile while protecting any damaged teeth from further degradation or pain.

A Kirkwood, MO dental bonding procedure is:

  • Budget-friendly: Other smile perfecting dentistry procedures such as crowns and veneers can get expensive, but dental bonding in Kirkwood is a common, budget-friendly procedure
  • Time efficient: You’ll be in and out before you know it! It typically only takes one brief in-office session – though multiple visits may be required if there are mutliple teeth to treat
  • Long-lasting: By caring for your dental bond with normal dental care, a Kirkwood, MO dental bonding procedure can last up to ten years
  • Non-invasive: The dental bonding procedure is requires no surgery and only requires two tools – tooth-colored resin material and a special UV light to solidify the tooth bond to the surface of an existing tooth
  • Natural look and feel: Once polished, a dental bond procedure mimics the natural look and feel of lustrous, healthy, natural teeth

The Dental Bonding Procedure

You are looking for an easy way to fix a damaged tooth or an imperfection in your smile, and you’ve realized that a dental bonding procedure could be the perfect treatment for your dental needs. In deciding whether or not dental bonding is right for you, it’s important to become familiar with the Kirkwood, MO dental bonding procedure.

Your dental bonding procedure requires nothing more than a single visit to your Kirkwood, MO dental office. No inpatient care or all-day procedures. In most cases, no anesthesia is necessary.

The dental bonding procedure is as follows:

  1. Match the resin.

    You and your dentist will determine the exact resin color to use. Your dentist will match samples and use a chart to ensure that the resin blends in naturally with the color of your natural teeth.

  2. Prepare the tooth.

    Next, your dentist readies the surface of the tooth or teeth that require the dental bonding procedure. To ensure that the resin effectively attaches to your existing tooth, they must roughen the surface where it will be attached. After preparing the surface of the tooth, they will also apply a liquid bonding agent that will hold the resin to the tooth.

  3. Apply the resin.

    The resin will be applied to the tooth. During this step in the dental bonding procedure, the resin is malleable- a putty substance. This consistency allows your dentist to carefully shape and mold the resin to the desired shape to take on the appearance of a natural tooth.

  4. The resin is set and touched up.

    Lastly, a laser of UV light is applied, which transforms the resin into a hard, tooth-like consistency. Your dentist is still able to make alterations to the shape and size after the resin hardens. This is the perfect time for additional finishing touches such as minor shaping tweaks and polishing to add a shine.

Your office visit can be done in under an hour and often in as little as 30 minutes. The length of time increases, however, if you are having multiple teeth treated. In this case, one option is to break it up into separate visits to avoid a lengthy visit.

Read about some of our other dental treatments, such as:

Your Kirkwood, MO Dental Bonding Procedure | Plaza Dental Center

You can enjoy the extraordinary results of a Kirkwood, MO dental bonding procedure from Plaza Dental Center. When you’re ready to schedule an appointment that will be quick, painless, and affordable while producing excellent quality results for your smile and oral health, contact Plaza Dental. Send us a message or call us at 314-361-1818. Your Kirkwood, MO dental bonding procedure is just a call away!