
Glasgow Village, MO

Root Canal Therapy in Glasgow Village, MO

Root canal therapy in Glasgow Village, MO. Did you know that more than 15 million root canals are performed each year in the United States? That means that over 41,000 people undergo this essential treatment every day to safeguard their teeth from infection or damage. But what exactly is root canal therapy and why is it required? Continue reading to discover more, or reach out to Plaza Dental Center at 314-361-1818 or schedule an appointment online for your treatment for root canals in Glasgow Village, MO now.

Root canal therapy is a standard dental treatment utilized to treat infected tooth pulp (the soft tissue located inside the tooth). Root canal therapy involves extracting the infected or inflamed pulp and closing the tooth with a filling or a crown. This method, the tooth can be saved and function normally without causing discomfort or discomfort. Root canal therapy can also impede the infection moving to other teeth or the jawbone.

Root canal therapy can do wonders for your oral health and your smile. It can save a tooth that would otherwise need to be extracted, which can lead to more expensive procedures like dental implants or bridges. It can also restore your tooth’s appearance, strength, and functionality. While many people imagine scenes of pain when they think of root canals, in reality they aren’t more painful than other dental treatments and any discomfort only persists a few days.

If you are looking for an experienced provider of root canal therapy in Glasgow Village, MO, your search ends at Plaza Dental Center. Our team of experienced dentists and endodontists (specialists in root canal treatment) use the latest techniques and methods to ensure your root canal goes as safe and smoothly as possible. We also offer convenient payment options and accept most insurance plans to make your dental care cost-effective and convenient. Dr. Joseph Cutrona is especially interested in assisting Glasgow Village, MO patients who feel anxious getting dental work done.

Do I Need Root Canal Therapy?

How do you know if you need a root canal? Sometimes, it can be hard to tell until the infection has festered for a while. That’s why you need to visit your dentist twice a year for dental examinations and cleanings and polishing. However, there are some frequent symptoms that may indicate a dental problem. If you suffer from any of the symptoms listed below, you should contact Plaza Dental Center as soon as possible to get timely diagnosis and treatment.

Some of the signs and symptoms of needing root canal therapy in Glasgow Village, MO are:

  • Tooth pain that stays or gets worse
  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Inflamed gums
  • Tooth discoloration
  • Pain when pressure is applied
  • A chipped or cracked tooth
  • Loose tooth

These signs and symptoms are not exclusive to root canal problems. They may also indicate other dental issues such as periodontal disease, cavities, or tooth decay. That’s why it’s vital to get professional dental care in Glasgow Village, MO as early on to avoid issues and additional damage. Ignoring a tooth infection can lead to serious consequences such as abscesses, bone loss, or systemic infections that can affect your overall health.

At Plaza Dental Center, we can help you understand if you need endodontic treatment or if you’d be better off with a different type of treatment. Don’t wait until your teeth get worse. Call Plaza Dental Center in Glasgow Village, MO today to schedule an appointment. We are more than happy to help you relieve your pain and save your tooth.

What Happens During Root Canal Therapy?

If you’re exploring root canal therapy in Glasgow Village, MO, you may have some questions or concerns about the procedure. It’s common to hear myths about root canals, such as being painful, risky, or ineffective. However, in reality root canal therapy is a very common, safe, and successful procedure that can save your tooth and ease your pain.

So, what can you expect during a root canal in Glasgow Village, MO? Here are the steps involved in the root canal procedure:

  • Local anesthesia — Your dentist will administer a numbing medication using a small needle so you don’t feel any pain. The numbing sensation will take effect almost immediately and provide long-lasting relief.
  • Dental dam — Your dentist will place a dental dam over the infected tooth to protect the area and keep it clean.
  • Drilling — Using a Gates-Glidden drill, your dentist will create a small hole in the top of the infected tooth. This opening will fully expose the top of the tooth pulp, containing the tooth’s inner soft tissue. This phase of root canal treatment is similar to the preparation stage for a filling.
  • Cleaning — After drilling, your dentist will take out the tooth pulp from the inside of the tooth and the root using small dental files. They will also clean and widen where the pulp used to be, shaping the inner chamber to make room for a filling. Your dentist will then wash the area with a variety of solutions to wash away any remaining pulp and disinfect the area. The tooth and surrounding area will be thoroughly dried before moving onto the next step.
  • Filling — Your dentist will fill where the pulp used to be with a biocompatible material called gutta-percha. Gutta-percha is rubber-like and pliable, and it helps seal the tooth and prevent reinfection. Your dentist will also place a temporary restoration on top of the gutta-percha to close the opening in your tooth.
  • Crown — Most of the time, you will need to come back for an additional visit to complete the restoration of your tooth. Your dentist will remove the temporary filling and place a custom-made dental crown on top of your tooth. A crown is a custom-made cap that covers and protects your tooth from further damage. It also restores the appearance and function of your tooth, so no one will ever be able to tell you’ve had the procedure.

Root Canal Therapy in Glasgow Village, MO | Endodontic Treatment | Dentist Near Glasgow Village

The root canal procedure in Glasgow Village, MO usually takes about 30 to 90 minutes to complete. However, some factors may affect the duration of the procedure, for example:

  • The number and shape of your tooth’s roots
  • The presence and severity of infection
  • The type and location of your tooth

After Care and Recovery Tips For Root Canal Patients

Most of the time, people who have had root canal therapy can go back to work or school the next day. However, if you’ve had sedation during your dental procedure, you may need additional time to fully recover. Here are some practical tips on how to care for your treated tooth and the surrounding gums after the procedure:

  • Take painkillers as prescribed — Your dentist or endodontist will likely prescribe you some painkillers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen to help you manage any discomfort or inflammation. Follow the prescribed dosage, even if you don’t feel much pain. The procedure will cause some swelling, so it’s not just about relieving the pain, but also reducing the inflammation.
  • Avoid hard or sticky foods — For the first few days after your root canal, you should avoid eating foods that are hard to chew, sticky, or require excessive chewing. These foods can potentially harm the temporary filling or crown, or cause more pain and sensitivity. Stick to soft foods such as soups, yogurt, eggs, mashed potatoes, etc.
  • Brush and floss gently — You should continue to brush and floss your teeth as usual, but be gentle around the treated tooth. Use a toothbrush with soft bristles and avoid applying too much pressure. You can also rinse your mouth with a saltwater solution to help keep the area clean and soothe any irritation.
  • Avoid alcohol and tobacco — Alcohol and tobacco can impede the healing process and increase the risk of infection. Alcohol can also interact with some painkillers and cause adverse effects. Therefore, you should avoid drinking alcohol and smoking for at least one week after your root canal.
  • Protect your tooth — Until you get your permanent crown, your treated tooth will be somewhat delicate and susceptible to fractures. Therefore, you should minimize chewing or biting with that tooth. You should also wear a mouthguard if you play sports or grind your teeth at night.

What to Expect in Terms of Healing Time and Possible Side Effects

Most Glasgow Village, MO root canal patients recover speedily and resume their normal activities within a few days. However, some factors may affect your healing time and recovery, such as:

  • The severity of the infection
  • The number of roots treated
  • The type of anesthesia used
  • Your overall health and immune system
  • Your oral hygiene habits

Root Canal Side Effects

Some possible side effects that you may experience after a root canal are:

  • Soreness
  • Sensitivity
  • Gum Inflammation
  • Infection (in rare cases)

At Plaza Dental Center, we care about your oral health and your comfort. We will provide you with detailed instructions on how to care for your tooth after a root canal and answer any questions you may have. We will also schedule a follow-up appointment in Glasgow Village, MO to check on your healing progress and place your permanent crown.

Other services we offer in Glasgow Village, MO include:

root canal treatment Glasgow Village, MO - root canal therapy Glasgow Village, MO - endodontic treatment near Glasgow Village - endodontic therapy near Glasgow Village

Call Plaza For Your Glasgow Village, MO Root Canal Therapy Today

At Plaza Dental Center, we have helped thousands of patients in Glasgow Village, MO and the surrounding areas with their root canal needs. We have seen firsthand how this procedure can improve their lives and their smiles. If you are experiencing any signs or symptoms of needing a root canal, don’t hesitate to contact us today. We are here to assist you eliminate your pain and save your tooth. We will provide you with a thorough examination, a personalized treatment plan, and a compelling invitation to schedule a visit or contact us today.

Don’t let a tooth infection ruin your smile and your health. Get in touch with Plaza Dental Center in Glasgow Village, MO today to schedule an appointment or request a consultation. We are here to assist you achieve the best possible outcome for your root canal therapy. Call Plaza today at 314-361-1818 or make an appointment online for your root canal therapy in Glasgow Village, MO.