
Maryland Heights, MO

Tooth Fillings in Maryland Heights, MO

Protect damaged teeth while restoring your smile with natural-looking composite tooth fillings.

Tooth Fillings in Maryland Heights, MO . When someone develops a cavity or crack, tooth fillings are the go-to dental solution. But in the past, getting tooth fillings meant getting a shiny gold or silver cap on the infected tooth. Now, we offer tooth fillings in Maryland Heights, MO that are visually discreet and help preserve damaged teeth.

For natural-looking tooth fillings in Maryland Heights, MO, you need a skilled dentist you can trust. Plaza Dental Center exists to provide quality dental care to all residents in Maryland Heights, MO . Our skilled dental staff is ready to provide you with the tooth fillings you need in Maryland Heights, MO . Contact us at 314-361-1818 today to become a Plaza Dental Center patient today.

Maryland Heights, MO tooth filling - natural tooth fillings near Maryland Heights - cosmetic dentistry Maryland Heights

Types of Tooth Fillings in Maryland Heights, MO

It used to be that, when you had a cavity, your only choice was to get a glaringly obvious metal filling or remove the tooth. Advances in modern dentistry have transformed both the physical and cosmetic aspects of cavities and other dental treatments. Each available filling material comes with its own set of risks and benefits.

Metal Filling Materials

The original metal tooth fillings were traditionally made from either cast gold, silver, or a silver amalgam. These metal caps create an appearance that many find unappealing, but there are some notable pros to gold and amalgam fillings. They are incredibly strong and durable, and amalgam fillings are the least expensive option.

On the other hand, some of their qualities make these kinds of fillings less-than-desirable. The most obvious con of gold and silver fillings is the appearance; they look far from natural and draw attention. In the filling procedure using silver or gold, the dentist has to remove a large portion of the tooth, which often includes some healthy parts. The metal itself can fade and discolor over time and the expansion and contraction caused by temperature changes can lead to cracking and fracturing. Perhaps most troubling, metal can heat and cool quickly, causing sensitivity, and the metal can even enter the bloodstream over time, running the risk of neurotoxicity.

Tooth-Colored Filling Materials

We now have the capability to offer multiple options for dental fillings and other dental treatments that are natural in appearance. For tooth-colored fillings, we most often turn to a composite resin material. Another popular material we use in our Maryland Heights dental work is porcelain. These modern tooth-colored materials have several benefits compared to metal and amalgam fillings.

  • They are aesthetically more pleasing. Dentists are able to mold and color them to match your natural teeth. They blend in with the rest of the teeth, making them almost impossible to detect.
  • It makes the existing tooth stronger. A chemical reaction occurs to harden the applied resin which helps it support the tooth to which it is applied.
  • Often, less of the existing tooth must be removed in order to apply a composite filling.
  • There is less sensitivity to temperature.
  • There is a much lower chance of the resin cracking or chipping due to temperature-related expanding and contracting.
  • The resin is free of neurotoxic metals.

Natural-looking composite tooth fillings in Maryland Heights, MO cost more than silver amalgam fillings but less than gold fillings. Because of the many benefits tooth-colored composite fillings have compared to gold and silver, most of us feel that the cost is more than worth it. The dentists at Plaza Dental Center have the skill and experience to apply composite tooth fillings in Maryland Heights, MO that allow you to leave your naturally beautiful smile intact while treating your cavities in a simple procedure.

Tooth Fillings Procedure

Tooth fillings in Maryland Heights, MO are the accepted practice for cavities, cracks, and other minor damage to a tooth. If you suffer from a larger or more widely affected area of damage, your dentist may recommend and perform other restorative and cosmetic dental procedures.

When you experience tooth pain, trauma to a tooth, or otherwise suspect that your tooth is damaged, the first step is to visit your dentist. They will examine your teeth and determine the best solution.

Should your dentist conclude that you are in need of tooth fillings to care for your affected teeth, you will then undergo a brief dental filling procedure. Your dentist will numb the area by administering a local anesthetic before they begin operating. Next, they remove any damaged parts of the tooth and clean what remains with the help of dental tools.

Next, for composite fillings they will prepare the tooth by creating tiny holes in the enamel that allow the composite to bond to the tooth more firmly. The dentist carefully applies the resin in layers to achieve the desired size and shape. After that, the material is hardened with the use of a laser. Finally, your dentist will add the finishing touches by buffing and polishing the resin as necessary. In the end, you will have tooth fillings that look just as great, if not better, than the original tooth!

In addition to tooth fillings, we provide a complete list of cosmetic, restorative, and general dental services. Learn more about these different services below.

Get Tooth Fillings in Maryland Heights, MO | Plaza Dental Center

Tooth fillings in Maryland Heights, MO are an easy and effective solution for cavities and other minor tooth damage. With composite resin tooth fillings, your dentist is able to apply and shape dental fillings that blend in seamlessly with your naturally beautiful smile. For the best natural-looking tooth fillings in Maryland Heights, MO, see the reputable dentists of Plaza Dental Center.

Plaza Dental Center is your provider for all dental care including tooth fillings in Maryland Heights, MO. Learn more about our complete dental services or schedule the tooth filling or other dental care you need today by requesting an appointment online or calling us at 314-361-1818 now.