
Velda Village, MO


Access professional dental care to stop your toothache at its source

Toothache Velda Village, MO: an extremely common dental ailment that we all hope we can avoid. Fortunately, Velda Village, MO dentistry has come a long way in the treatment and diagnosis of toothaches from the classic bandage wrapped around a swollen face. Dental care is important, and you should be able to seek to receive treatment in a comfortable environment with a skilled dentist you can count on.

If you are suffering from a toothache in Velda Village, MO, Plaza Dental Center has the skills and solutions to give you relief. Armed by a team of caring and talented dental providers around Velda Village, MO, we provide excellent dental work and procedures that are effective against dental ailments like toothaches for all dental patients in the Greater Velda Village, MO region. Find out more about the dental care we provide in the Velda Village, MO area or schedule an appointment to address your toothache today by calling us at 314-361-1818 or requesting an appointment online.

toothache Velda Village, MO - toothache dental treatment in Velda Village, MO

Toothache Symptoms

With a toothache, inevitably, comes pain, but exactly what that pain feels like can differ–as well as the other symptoms–and are based on the source of the toothache. When you have a toothache in Velda Village, MO, you may experience the following:

  • Pain – throbbing, sharp, stabbing, dull, or aching pain that can be constant, intermittent, or only when you bite or eat
  • Tingling sensation
  • Swelling of the gums around the tooth
  • Red appearance in the affected area
  • Headache
  • Fever
  • Pus or drainage around the infected tooth
  • A foul taste or smell coming from the tooth

Velda Village, MO Causes of Toothache

You could develop a toothache many different ways. Teeth are actually made up of soft tissue on the inside, filled with nerves and blood vessels. The nerves inside our teeth are extraordinarily sensitive, so you can expect to experience significant toothache pain any time those nerves are irritated or inflamed.

  • Cavities and damaged fillings – When cavities first form, they are very small and barely noticeable. However, when cavities are untreated, they can cause a toothache as the cavity continues to grow. Over many years, fillings placed over cavities have the potential to crack or shift out of place, leaving the cavitiy again exposed and at risk of developing a toothache.
  • Chipped and cracked teeth – When force of an object during sports or other types of accidents can cause a tooth to break, chip, or crack. The broken tooth leaves the sensitive inner tissue exposed, leading to  a toothache in Velda Village, MO.
  • Dental abscess – An abscess, or an infection, can form in the root of the tooth and can develop to affect the surrounding mouth and jaw areas. This type of toothache typically brings along symptoms like swelling, heat, pus, or even a fever. Abscesses often form due to tooth decay that is left untreated
  • Bruxism – Bruxism refers to grinding or clenching of  the teeth. Often people with bruxism aren’t consciously aware of their grinding habit and many do it at night or when stressed. Repetitive grinding causes the nerves inside the tooth to become irritated, causing a toothache.
  • Exposed tooth roots – Severe gum disease can cause gums to recede so much that it leaves tooth roots exposed. The exposed roots are sensitive and lead to a Velda Village, MO toothache.
  • Wisdom teeth – Many of us must have our wisdom teeth removed because of the risk of impaction. This puts pressure on other teeth and can cause toothache pain in a combination of different teeth depending on how the teeth are oriented and affected.

Sometimes the cause of a toothache isn’t even a dental issue. You could be suffering from toothache symptoms that does not come from a dental condition like those listed above. Instead, your toothache could be caused by a sinus infection that creates pressure in the upper back part of your mouth, some types of headaches, diabetes, and other conditions. If that is true for you, you should first seek medical  attention for the underlying condition.

Toothache Treatments Velda Village, MO

The best method for warding off a toothache is to maintain your oral care and safety when playing sports. However, a toothache can form even in those of us to consistently brush, floss, and take care of our teeth as directed. Though sometimes a toothache can be resolved without treatment by a dental professional, there are several effective treatments your Velda Village, MO dentist can provide that can effectively address your toothache pain.

Fillings and Crowns. When a cavity or damaged filling is the source of your toothache pain, your Velda Village, MO dentist can address the issue with a new tooth filling or a crown, which caps the top of the tooth. They contain a toothache by protecting the sensitive nerves from contact with air, saliva, and food.

Scaling and Planing. Tooth scaling and root planing are deep cleaning dental tools that address gum disease. When plaque builds up and hardens over time, turning into tartar, the roots and other parts of the tooth become the perfect environment for bacteria to grow. This often leads to infection and tooth decay. Together, scaling and planing work to thoroughly clean tooth surfaces and block and prevent gum disease-related toothache pain.

Root Canal. If you’re dealing with an abscessed tooth causing your toothache, you can turn to your Plaza Dental Center dentist for a root canal procedure. During a root canal, the infected soft tissue inside the tooth is removed. This is accomplished by drilling a very small hole in the top of the tooth and using it as an access point to remove all of the infected soft tissue from the top of the tooth down into the root. With a root canal, you are able to keep the cosmetic appearance of a healthy tooth while getting rid of the infection and protecting your gums, jaws, and bloodstream from infection too.

Extractions. If your affected tooth is significantly damaged to the point that it cannot be restored, we may need to use an extraction procedure to treat your toothache. This Velda Village, MO toothache treatment is also used for wisdom teeth. Some extractions are brief and simple procedures that require nothing more than a local anesthetic, while others are more involved procedures that require complete oral surgery. Your Plaza Dental Center Velda Village, MO toothache treatment team can perform a safe and effective extraction for a tooth that is beyond repair or a wisdom tooth that has no room to grow.

Other Toothache Remedies. In some cases, your toothache dentist in Velda Village, MO may identify that your tooth pain may benefit from additional remedies. For example, an infected tooth could be managed with antibiotics. A toothache due to grinding or from an injury could be helped by wearing a mouth guard. By following the treatment advice of your dentist for removing wisdom teeth, you may be able to avoid potential toothaches.

Plaza Dental Center is ready to provide any general, restorative, or cosmetic dental care you need, such as:

Dental Care for Your Toothache Velda Village, MO | Plaza Dental Center

Quality dental treatment for your toothache in Velda Village, MO begins by} understanding the origin of your pain and discomfort. Plaza Dental Centers talented Velda Village, MO team of dental care professionals offers families across the Velda Village, MO area access to skilled dental services, including a range of treatment strategies for toothache pain. Relief from toothache pain is possible with the proper dental care. When you experience a toothache that causes you pain you can’t ignore, come to us for help by calling 314-361-1818 or requesting an appointment online right away.